I have reached a place in my soul, my mind isn’t able to comprehend the depth of my consciousness.
Only my imagination can somewhat comprehend the image of my desire to succeed. The burning of success is imprinted into my desire to over come the fear of not.
Not to be able to enter into the sea of righteousness.
Not for my glory, but for the glory of those that came before me and will come after me.
Living above the surrounding of my flesh, in a place that is untouched by limitations.
A place where my imagination can embrace an undiluted pureness of my soul and doubt has no refuge. Weakness is over come by strength and death has no sting.
My enemies run by the presence of that power, which can silence the voice of negativity.
I have embraced the power that was once lost in the garden, when the forbidden fruit was consumed.
I have risen with the key of peace, prosperity and joy. I can’t look back, living beyond that pillar of salt.
But I now live in the unlimited harmony of life that was spoken for me before the beginning of time.